Visiting the Cemetery

The page features information on maps, parking and public transport, ‘areas of interest’, and dogs in the cemetery.

Visiting hours are between dawn and dusk only. Please observe all cemetery regulations, which are listed on a large sign near the main gates.

Please be mindful and respectful of other visitors to the cemetery, some of whom may be there to visit the graves of loved ones. 


The cemetery is divided into numbered or lettered portions, as displayed on the maps on the signs near the entry gates. Look for the small white section markers on the roadsides, although most of these are in need of repair.


'Areas of Interest' Map

The signs near the entry gates feature ‘Areas of Interest’ within the cemetery. You can explore those locations on your visit with this online resource.

Parking and Public Transport

The cemetery is easily accessible by public transport:​

Nearby stations are at Dutton Park (across the road) and Park Road (behind Boggo Road Gaol). Timetables can be found here.

The 196 bus stops on Annerley Road next to South Brisbane Cemetery. Multiple Brisbane City Council buses also stop at the Busway stop on the Schonell Bridge. Please check with Translink for running times and services.

Take the CityCat ferry service to the University Queensland and walk over the Schonell Bridge to the cemetery side of the river.

The main gates of the cemetery are on Annerley Road, and there are also other vehicular entry points off Princess Street/Brisbane Corso and Fairfield Road.

Local parking restrictions apply in the surrounding Dutton Park area. There are limited parking spaces inside the cemetery, but if you park by the side of the internal road, please be mindful of leaving room on the road for other vehicles to pass by.

Please do not park on the grass inside the cemetery, as most of the grassed areas actually contain unmarked graves (although the grassed area in the top corner on Annerley Road next to section 1A is ok for parking).


We love dogs as much as anyone, but South Brisbane Cemetery is not a dog park. Dogs should be kept on a leash on all times, and dog waste must be removed. Not only is it very disrespectful to allow your dog to use someone’s graves as a toilet, but we have witnessed loose dogs killing native fauna such as possums in the cemetery. There is an off-leash dog park on the northern boundary of the cemetery.

Please also remember during your visit that the BCC do patrol the cemetery and large on-the-spot fines of up to $700 do apply for people with off-leash dogs.

Thank you for doing the right thing, keeping your dog on a leash, cleaning up after it, and respecting the cemetery and those laid to rest within it.